BB Glow Treatment is one of the latest anti-aging and skin brightening procedures that has appeared on the beauty marker it has gained popularity very quickly due to instant results , its healing process, and zero downtime . The BBGlow Treatment includes MTS ( Microneedle Therapy System) or Fractional Mesotherapy . It belong in the family of Fractional Mesotherapy Procedures .
BB Glow treatment is a semi- permanent foundation procedure , that allows your client to achieve glowing, radiant , seemingly poerless skin after 2-3 session lasting up to 6 months . It is a safe and intensive skin treatment that can lighten skin tone and assist in reducing the appearance of freckles , and other skin discoloration caused by acne , photo-ring and age spots . MTS is one of the procedures used during the treatment . It gives clients an immediate skin brightening and rejuvenating effect.
_ Instant hydration of the skin , leaving skin feeling soft and supple
_Gradual lightening of the skin
_Neutralizes free radicals
_Reduces melanin content in the skin before and after UV exposure
_Restores even skin tone and radiant complexion
_Reduces skin discoloration
_Reduces appearance of pores
_ Plumps the skin , assists in reducing fine lines and wrinkles